Education Development Uniform of Somalia Reintegration (EDUSOR)

EDUSOR sub-Page aims to disseminate information about the Constitutional, conventions and laws of the education nationally, regionally and globally.  Some of the main laws are found here in English and Somali languages.

The sub-site will also contain news of the constitutional and legal developments in Somalia and Somaliland administration, as well as commentaries and articles.

Topics in Record:

Somalia education sector strategies by: Somalia Ministry of Higher Education

The National Youth Policy  of The Federal Government of Somalia by: UNFPA

For many children in Somalia, going to school and receiving a good education is still a dream out of their reach” by: UNICEF

Cluster Status: Education by: UNOCHA

Education sector analysis: Federal Government of Somalia: assessing opportunities for rebuilding the country through education by: UNESCO

UNESCO’s Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: key facts (Also read more topics within the link) by: UNESCO