
Become a member

With more than five (5) members, including 10 national rectors’ conferences, FESU offers access to the largest and most extensive association of Somalia universities.

In an increasingly globalized world, FESU provides universities of all vital with a unique support network and access to a wealth of knowledge that contributes to universities’ development. The Association helps its members to shape their future and represents the whole sector in a number of policy fora, including the federal institutions.

 Types of membership

FESU offers three different membership categories and the possibility of “affiliate” status. These represent universities, national associations of rectors or other bodies active in higher education or research.

Full membership

Associate membership

Honorary membership

How To Apply

FESU considers applications from all universities, colleges, education institutions and students organizations located federal states and the capital city the signatory federal members of Somalia.

In order to apply, FESU needs to know if the institution is registered and is a member of the collective full member in its regional states directory and whether the institution would like to apply for full, honorary or associate membership. After receiving this information FESU will send the application form and more information about the application procedure.

Applicant universities need a letter of recommendation from the president of the collective full member in their regional state. If there is no sub-national rectors’ conference or the national rectors’ conference as federal level is not a member of any edu-council protocol, applicant universities need letters of recommendation from three governmental institutions federally and sub-nationally.

All applications are first reviewed by the membership committee and then passed on to the FESU Council for a final decision.


For more detailed information on the application procedures, including application forms, please contact our dedicated email address